Christ Our Hope Lutheran Church

P. O. Box 961690
Riverdale, Georgia 30296
(770) 997-7117                          (770) 997-3312

Jeffrey M. Halenza, Pastor

February 22, 2023

Dear Members, Visitors, and Friends of the Congregation,

          Beginning with the prayer I will pray during our ZOOM Worship Time tonight, Ash Wednesday, February 22, at 7:00 PM, and continuing each Wednesday evening throughout Lent, my prayers will be Lenten prayers. My hope is that the prayers would be prayers you could pray during Lent or at least give you a start on your own prayers, but that either way they would help you have a more meaningful Lenten season.

          This year is the first time in 3 years that we are able to fully observe Lent as a congregation and I am delighted that we can. In addition to our ZOOM Worship Time and Sunday worship, we will have a Lenten Bible Study at 10:30 AM on Wednesday mornings followed by a brief communion service at noon. I pray that you will avail yourself of these opportunities.

          May we be with Jesus in a special way throughout Lent and deepen our love for God and our obedience to the way of the Lord,

Pastor Halenza
